Trump says AI could be the most dangerous thing out there: ‘It’s so scary’

The GOP frontrunner claims even experts can be fooled by AI — “there’s no solution.”

Trump says AI could be the most dangerous thing out there: ‘It’s so scary’

Former United States President and current Republican party front-runner Donald Trump recently sounded off on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI), calling it “the most dangerous thing out there” and warning “there’s no real solution” during an interview with Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo.

Trump’s commentary was revealed in a teaser for an upcoming segment on Bartiromo’s Sunday Morning Futures show on Fox Business. The interview is slated to air on Feb. 4.

President Trump On The Dangers Of Ai: “They can change things around and nobody can tell the difference. This is a tremendous problem, in terms of security.” #Maria #Bartiromo #President #Trump

— AɯƙɯαɾԃMαɱα™® (@Aspiemama_107) February 2, 2024

Artificial intelligence dangers

According to the clip, the former president considers AI to be among the greatest dangers faced by Americans:

“And the other thing that I think is maybe the most dangerous thing out there of anything, because there’s no real solution — the AI, as they call it. It is so scary.”

Trump warned that AI could be used to conduct warfare, adding that “you can get that into other things” before lamenting that “something has to be done about this, and it has to be done fast.”

Deepfake or papercut?

The former president also brought up deepfakes — AI technology that imitates or impersonates humans — calling it a “tremendous problem” that even experts don’t have a solution for.

“I saw somebody ripping me off the other day where they had me making a speech about their product. I said, ‘I’ll never endorse that product.’ You can’t even tell the difference. It looks like I’m actually endorsing it.”

These comments come on the heels of an incident where Trump appeared to have red splotches on his hands during an appearance caught on camera.

While it appears as though the marks were blood — reportedly from a papercut — the former president told Fox News’ Mark Meredith on Jan. 31 that the marks may have been caused by AI.

NEW: Trump trolls reporter who asks about his ‘bloody’ hand which went viral last week thanks to the obsessed media.


The reporter snarkily asked Trump about his hand which prompted the former president to show him his uninjured hands.

“What was wrong with it? Maybe…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) January 31, 2024

Related: AI deepfakes fool voters and politicians ahead of 2024 US elections — ‘I thought it was real’

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