Sora, Vision Pro and AIGC developments may boost metaverse concept popping off the charts

Inthe early morning of 16 February, OpenAI released Sora, the first big model of literate video, which is significantly ahead of the existing level of the industry, redefining the technical limit of AI literate video at this stage, subverting the global market pattern in the field of generative AI video, and at the same time, pressing the accelerator button for the metaverse era of leaping forward development.

The emergence of Sora has undoubtedly created history again.

Let’s turn the clock back 3 years to 2021

The year 2021 is known as the metaverse genesis, and looking back at the glory of that time, the heat seems to be still fresh.

The metaverse was a track that was favoured by almost everyone, with people talking about how virtual was about to disrupt reality, and the metaverse omnipotence argument was all the rage. Zuckerberg was so fully betting on the metaverse that he even changed the name of Facebook to Meta and announced a staggering amount of investment.

Then, reality taught the Metaverse and those who were bullish on it a huge lesson. In just one year, the popularity of Meta Universe fell off a cliff, Google data shows that the search volume of Meta Universe decreased by more than 80%, and Meta’s share price even evaporated by more than ten billion dollars.

The core reason for the decline of the metaverse track is the imperfection of the infrastructure, which leads to the metaverse not being able to support the landing of the commercial application layer.

Communication technology:the meta-universe emphasises on instant feedback, and the network it relies on must have features such as high speed, low latency, and large connection, etc. With the current network rate of 5G, it is not considered to be efficient to support the needs of the metaverse!

AI technology: the metaverse needs AI in a very wide range of places, with the help of AI can achieve the empowerment of other industries, the establishment of digital assets, works of art and AIGC.

Arithmetic support: at present, cloud computing power is the right direction of development, with its remote data processing capability, allowing stable computing and execution of massive data in the metaverse around the clock.

Data storage: in the era of metaverse, massive digital assets will be generated, and any centralised storage is not safe. Distributed data storage is crucial to the information security of the metaverse, but there is still no infrastructure for distributed storage on the ground.

It can be said that 5G, AI scaled supply capacity, intelligent computing, network connectivity, data storage and other aspects together form the underlying infrastructure that forms the base of the metaverse ecosystem, and they are in fact the infrastructure of the metaverse.

2024 is an opportunity for metaverse development

Influenced by OpenAI’s launch of Sora, the opportunity for the metaverse concept to make a comeback is gradually maturing.

Currently, there are three infrastructures on the market that can drive the development of the metaverse that have come a long way:

Sora: Sora uses the Transformer architecture, built on the DALL-E 3 and GPT models, and is capable of generating up to a minute of motion-enabled, multi-camera video based solely on cue words; Sora is expected to become a metaverse infrastructure technology in the future is already an industry consensus.

Vision Pro: I prefer to call it a head-mounted display device, and Vision Pro is just a representative of that. While Vision Pro has many shortcomings, the advancements in the exploration of virtual space and the visual experience are not available in 2021;

AIGC: AIGC is simply an important tool to go for automatic content generation with the help of AI, which enables human beings to break through content productivity with the help of AI, accelerating the production of high-quality content in a highly efficient manner, and allowing human beings to enter into a true metaverse, stepping into the era of the next three years.

The topic of Aigc being faster than the metaverse and stronger than web 3.0 is igniting the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that the development of AIGC is the metaverse timer, that is, the timer of the future Web 3.0, and currently AIGC has become the latest hot direction in Silicon Valley.

Because it is currently the best metaverse field to land the fastest growing one, rather than an imaginary concept.

The development of Sora, VR and AIGC greatly complement the lack of metaverse infrastructure, and moreover represent a huge leap in the video field, headset devices and virtual content productivity, injecting new vitality and possibilities into the development of the metaverse.

The most important thing is that Sora, VR and AIGC are not “lone wolf” type of technology development, behind it brings the commercial ecology of the whole track, if the development of Sora, VR and AIGC greatly complement the lack of metaverse infrastructure, then the ecological industry chain behind it provides more entrances and exits for the commercial landing of the metaverse. provides more entrances and exits.

In 2024–2025, we may witness the development of metaverse in a big leap forward, let’s wait and see!

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