Clarification of 0L Network article

Clarification of 0L Network article

Dear readers,

On Wednesday, May 8, Cointelegraph ran a story about a trader who claimed to have lost over one million dollars due to a hard fork on the 0L Network.

The person’s claims cannot be substantiated, and despite their assertions that the hard fork took place without their knowledge, subsequent contact with parties at 0L Network has highlighted clearly that the hard fork had been announced well in advance.

Cointelegraph failed to investigate this person’s claims and motives sufficiently, and the assertions made in the article have brought negative attention to the project, which is entirely unwarranted, and for which the Editorial team at Cointelegraph extends its most sincere apologies.

The Editorial team is in close contact with the parties involved, and we will coordinate our efforts to ensure the correct details regarding this unfortunate situation are disclosed as soon as possible.

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